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Tips for Preparing your Vehicle for a Long Road Trip in the UAE

The start of the summer season means vacations with family and friends. People in the UAE mostly spend this vacation time on a long road trip by stuffing the whole family in a large SUV and taking off to where the road would lead to.

The UAE is full of such road trip worthy sites that are picturesque and often times attract a large number of tourists, including residents of the UAE as well as tourists from other places. These are nice and refreshing escapes from the busy routine of the UAE city life. Nevertheless, the roads leading to these scenic spots may be long and rugged, thus it’s imminent for your vehicle to be in pristine shape before you start the journey.

Long Road Trip in the UAE

While traveling in the UAE, travelers may encounter sand dunes, oceans, nature parks and rocky terrain among others. Driving your vehicle on such a long and traitorous path may cause your vehicle to take a toll for the worse, if it has not been properly cared for before setting off for the trip. Other than the terrain, the hot and humid climate of the UAE is something that should not be taken lightly. Such weather can make the car vulnerable to breakdowns and overheating.

In order to avoid being stuck in a major fix during an enjoyable trip with your family or friends during the summer vacations, here are some tips that you can follow to prepare your vehicle for the long journey ahead.

Keep your Vehicle Hydrated with Proper Fluids

It is imperative that you keep a check on all different fluids of your car before leaving for a long road trip. These fluids are essential because they keep the engine going by regulating the functioning of the core mechanical parts of the vehicle.

Keep your Vehicle Hydrated with Proper Fluids

It is important to know that there are multiple parts of the engine that needs different types of fluids with varying levels. That is why when refilling them, make sure that they come at the appropriate levels. Following are some of the fluids worth mentioning for the proper functioning of the vehicle and how to maintain them:


Commonly known as the anti-freezing agent, this vital fluid prevents the engine from overheating by minimizing rust buildup and the blocking of radiator pipes. The ideal level of coolant is right in the middle of maximum and minimum level or according to the mark on the coolant tank.


Power Steering Fluid

Power steering fluid ensures smooth and effortless steering. This allows handling and maneuvering the vehicle much easier and with precision. This is important to have a smooth steering, especially when you want to go on a trip in the rocky areas where controlled handling is essential. It the power steering fluid is not changed or if the level is low, it makes it difficult to keep the vehicle in control.

Power Steering Fluid

Transmission Fluid

Another fluid that is essential for the engine smooth operation is the transmission fluid. It is responsible for regulating the smooth shifting of gears. If the fluid dries out or is low, it can make gear shifting stiff, thus causing trouble in acceleration at the proper time.

Transmission Fluid

Windshield Washer Fluid

Clear visibility during the road trip is important as you may encounter any kind of obstacle including bad weather or a boulder in the path. Therefore, you would need to keep the windscreen clear. To achieve that, you need to keep refreshing the windshield washer fluid. With a full supply of fluid in the car and a clear view, you can avoid many possible road hazards on your way.

Windshield Washer Fluid

Brake Fluid

In order to regulate the functioning of hydraulic brakes, the use of brake fluid is imperative. Keeping your brakes in proper shape is highly essential before you go for the trip. Any minor defect in the brakes or lack of brake fluid can cause lines to blur between you and a potentially fatal accident.

Brake Fluid

The force applied to the brake paddle is amplified by the hydraulic system and helps to stop a vehicle with a reasonable force applied by the driver. Many essential safety features like Brake Assist, ABS Active Forward Collision Detection System do not work as intended when the brake fluid falls below a critical level.

Also read: Things to Do When Your Car Breaks Down!

Check Pipes and Belts of the Vehicle

Pipes and belts in the engine as well as other parts of the vehicle are all prone to wear and tear. If you are going on a long trip, the chances of these pipes and belts being depreciated are higher, especially if you already neglect to maintain them in regular days.

Check Pipes and Belts of the Vehicle

In order to inspect the condition of these pipes and belts, you would require the help of a professional mechanic. During inspection, it’s important to check if they are all fixed tightly, if there is any leakage or any potential leakage, any possible rust or they need a complete replacement. Get these checked or replaced before you start with your journey. Any malfunctioning of hoses and belts can leave you stranded on the road.

Tyre Condition of the Vehicle

Tyres are the backbone of any vehicle, without them or due to any defect in them, vehicles seize to function. Therefore, it’s important to check the health of the tyres before setting off on a long road trip.

Some of the important elements you should go through, while inspecting the tyres, are the air pressure and the tread depth of the tyres. Tyres should be inflated to the maximum capacity in the summer season. Nevertheless, do be careful of any possible tyre burst due to over-inflation. This can be checked with the proper level of tread depth.

Tyre Condition of the Vehicle

Tyre Tread Depth are basically the pattern on the rubber of the tyre that’s in contact with the road or the surface of the vehicle travels on. This pattern has a certain amount of depth that needs to be maintained for a safe drive. In order to check if the tread depth is desirable there are certain tests that can be performed including the Dirham Coin Test. If the depth is low, it is time to change the tyre and chuck the old one out. Old and worn out tyres cannot survive in the heat of the UAE. It is important that you keep a well-maintained spare tyre in your trunk while you go on the trip.

Check the Air-Conditioner of the Vehicle

One of the most essential aspects to check off your list before road tripping in your summer holidays in the UAE, is the proper functioning of your vehicle’s air-conditioning. If you want your journey to be comfortable and sweat-free, this is something that you need to be particular about because the hot and humid season of the UAE will not let you enjoy the journey.

Check the Air-Conditioner of the Vehicle

While checking the vehicle’s air conditioner, check if the air filter is clean and dirt-free. Also, if the strength of the cooling is low that means you will need to fill the gas of the air-conditioner as it might be low.

Ideal Time to Get your Vehicle Checked before the Road Trip in the UAE

After highlighting the important tips that you need to follow to keep your vehicle in good condition before the road trip, it’s also essential to talk about the ideal time to do that.

Ideal Time to Get your Vehicle Checked before the Road Trip in the UAE

Essentially, car owners should have a habit of taking their vehicle to the mechanic for a checkup regularly. If you want the car to be prepared for the road trip only, ideally you should take it to the mechanic at least a couple of days in advance of the trip. This will give you leverage in case you are faced with some major replacement issues. After that you should also test drive it yourself to make sure everything is in order.

Keep things tips and guide in consideration and you will have a smooth and enjoyable long road trip anywhere in the UAE.

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